집단면역을 추구하는 스웨덴은 제재를 하지 않음으로써 트럼프와 과학적 주류에 이의를 제기하다 ---- <2>
Fresh surge 새로운 급증 Much of Sweden's focus has been to protect the elderly. Anyone aged 70 or older has been told to stay at home and limit their social contact as much as possible. One Swedish government official said that on the whole people supported the government's approach, but many were "upset about the fact that no ban on visiting homes for elderly was set until recently [April 1], and no..
2020.04.13 -
집단면역을 추구하는 스웨덴은 제재를 하지 않음으로써 트럼프와 과학적 주류에 이의를 제기하다 ---- <1>
Sweden challenges Trump -- and scientific mainstream -- by refusing to lock down By Tim Lister and Sebastian Shukla, CNN (CNN) - Much of Europe is still on coronavirus lockdown, with severe restrictions on movement and penalties for those who transgress. ※ transgress [격식] (도덕적, 법적 한계를) 넘어서다 이동의 엄격한 제한과 명령을 따르지 않는 사람들의 처벌을 통해서 많은 유럽국가들은 아직 코로나바이러스 제재 상태에 있다. But not Sweden. Restaurants and bars a..
2020.04.13 -
Aydin Buyuktas가 드론 촬영 이미지를 구부려 만든 도시풍경(feat. 인셉션)
Aydin Buyuktas bends drone images into otherworldly urban landscapes Written by Emiko Jozuka, CNN Visual effects artist Aydin Buyuktas uses photography to recreate images from his dreams. Shooting cityscapes from above, he then digitally bends them toward the sky in photos reminiscent of the movie "Inception." 시각효과 아티스트 Aydin Buyuktas는/사용한다/사진 기법을/재창조하기 위해/이미지를/그의 꿈으로 부터./ 도시경관을 찍은/위로 부터,/그는/그리고..
2020.04.01 -
호날두와 메시는 코로나 바이러스 극복을 위해 기부
Cristiano Ronaldo and Lionel Messi donate to hospitals in fight against coronavirus By Matias Grez, CNN (CNN) - Footballers from around the world are joining together to help fight the spread of the coronavirus, with Lionel Messi and Cristiano Ronaldo each reportedly giving €1 million ($1.1 million) to the cause. 축구선수들은/전 세계의/참여하고 있다/함께/돕기 위해/싸우는 것을/코로나 바이러스의 확산과,/리오넬 메시 그리고 크리스티아노 호날두/각각/전하는 바에..
2020.03.27 -
테이크 아웃 포함, 영국의 모든 맥도날드와 난도스 문을 닫다
McDonald's and Nando's shut down all their UK restaurants, even for takeout By Hanna Ziady, CNN Business London (CNN Business) - McDonald's (MCD) and Nando's will close all their restaurants in the United Kingdom and Ireland starting Monday, including for takeout, to help limit the spread of the coronavirus. 맥도날드와 난도스는/닫을 것이다/모든 그들의 가게를/영국과 아일랜드에 있는/월요일을 시작으로,/포장을 포함해서,/돕기 위해/확산 제한을/코로나 바이러스의. 월..
2020.03.25 -
트럼프는 바이러스 관련 중국이 좀 더 빨리 미국에 알릴 수 있었다고 말했다
Trump on China: 'I wish they'd told us earlier' about coronavirus By Jason Hoffman and Joe Ruiz, CNN (CNN) - President Donald Trump said Saturday that he wished China would have told him earlier about the novel coronavirus, despite previously praising the country's transparency on the issue. 대통령 도날드 트럼프는/말했다/토요일에/그는 희망했다/중국이/말했었기를/그에게/더 빨리/신규 코로나바이러스에 대해서,/~에도 불구하고/이전에/칭찬했음에도/국가의 투명성을/문제에 대해 토요일..